Materials used in Stala products

• Worktop height 20/30/40mm
• Unique StalaTex patterns available
Along with spring comes the renewed and more modern Ease product family. Due to the streamlined design the working surface is even more functional and any water splatters are easier to wipe away. The modern appearance is completed with the elegant design covers for the sink strainers. The new Ease sinks also have softened corners which makes mounting easier.
Due to the modifications the design, functionality and mounting of the products are all improved. The product codes, prices, main measurements and mounting measurements all stay the same. The black silicone mat COOK-1 for the Ease products with a working surface will become an additional accessory.
Suitable accessories for the Ease sinks will stay the same: chopping boards CUT-2, CUT-7, CUT-8 and CUT-10, draining basket Silent-1 and the auxiliary bowl Silent-3. The deliveries of the new Ease sinks will begin during March as the old models run out of stock.
Click to see the new product pictures of MF-40-17S.